Aloha and Thank You
Thank you, Kelvin’s Tai Chi Ohana, for all the goodies he frequently brings home.
I am especially thankful for your other gifts:
Because of you, Kelvin has a second family with whom he can indulge his lifelong love of martial arts. Teaching tai chi keeps him active, social, and challenged. He can pursue an interest that gives him me-time, separate from the responsibilities of being a father and husband.
Teaching a variety of ages and backgrounds provides a healthy perspective on life. Kelvin is also learning from you. All your decisions up to this point made your participation in tai chi class possible. Your desire to remain healthy and active led you to the YMCA and tai chi class. You continue to come to class because you are blessed with health and circumstance, you are motivated, and you want to continue learning and growing. Kelvin and I are lucky to have such role models!
Please accept my appreciation and aloha for all you do for my husband. He has gained so much from teaching and practicing tai chi with you.
Wendi Lau
It was a surprise to me when Wendi asked if she could do a guest post. And of course she can. She is a very good writer who writes from the heart. Any time you want to post, you are welcome. And that goes for all of you. I made this site for you.
But it is no surprise that Wendi and the girls are the best things that ever happened to me and are the best parts of me. So you know I mean it every time I tell you that family comes first.
And I am also thankful that you are my extended family. Since some of you may not have met Wendi, please allow me to introduce her to you. She is an awesome mother and wife. Very well educated and has home schooled the girls very successfully. But wait... there’s more. She is an avid runner. No, more than that. She is an ultra runner. Ultra runners run more than marathon distances. And more impressively, she prefers to do that on trail making it even harder (while more enjoyable). She is also an avid hiker and swimmer. She has done rough water ocean races and well as biathlons.
Phew. Getting tired yet. But wait. There’s more. She is an avid reader and has started her writing career. She is also an accomplished knitter and is a charter member of the non-profit group, Socks for Soldiers. Charter meaning member number 1 after the founder started the group. Every few months, she fills a box with mil-spec knitted goodies that get sent to soldiers serving overseas. Just a thank you for their service and a remimder that they are well thought of and appreciate. And so they know they are not alone as they serve.
Anyway, my wife... Wendi. Sorry for all the pictures. I was really looking for just the last one and found all these other ones.