Wendi had a great idea to do an appreciation dinner. And then to add a seated tai chi component to it since so many people are traveling. They can do it on the plane or in the office. So she helped to coordinate the venue.
The Hawaii Okinawa Center was a nice venue and the caterer, A Catered Experience, did a great job. The prime rib was really good. As was the rest of the food.
The girls did a great job helping to host it too.

I was busy talking and taking pictures of people, I took zero pictures of the food. What?!?

Tsun-Hui did a great job with her performance. The seated tai chi was cut short and I did not do the breathing exercise that I had planned. I was watching the prime rib get cold at the carving station. Next time, have the food come out later.

And thank you to Charles and Jeff, not only for coming, but for sponsoring our event too. I realized I did not take individual pictures of them. How rude of me. At least I got Jeff in some of the pictures. Thank you, my brothers in sushi.
I’m also happy my family got to spend time with my extended ohana. And thank you to those who took pictures and videos and sent them to me. Jeep em coming and I can add them in.
The bottom line... tell your loved ones you love them. Hug them whenever you have a chance. Be thankful every day.
I thank you all for being a part of our lives and appreciate you.