Aloha everyone, here’s what happened to me last night.

I was in Chinatown around 8pm. Parked for 15-20 minutes max. Got back to my truck, called the wife and drove off. After I got off the phone, I see and elbow sticking out of my truck bed in the side mirror. Had to look twice. Yup elbow and arm. I look in the mirror and see a guy in the back rear corner on the drivers side. Kind of in my blind spot with the seat head rest. Looked twice because I couldn’t believe my own eyes. Guys appeared out of nowhere.
My first thought was remembering all those Glenn Grant Chinatown ghost stories.
So I call Wendi back and tell her that I have a stowaway in the back of my truck. She thought I meant a lizard or a bug and did not quite believe me when I told her it was a guy. And he probably got in my truck bed to sleep and popped up after I drove around a bit.
She was pretty animated at that time telling me to call 911. If it happens to you, and I hope it never does, do as I say not as I did. Call 911!
I did not call the police. My plan was to Pull over someplace where there were people and have him get out.

This is how the bed should be when I leave it empty. Not have a body in it.
So I pull over. I was surprised, but calm. And I told the guy calmly and firmly, "Get out. You have to go."
And the guy surprised me a second time. He said in very proper English, "Aren’t you going to buy me dinner first?"
After a slight pause I told him I did not even know he go into my truck so get out. And he calmly stood up and stepped out and walked away.
Not what I expected from a homeless guy, assuming that’s what he was. He looked clean. And was tall and lean. About a six Hawaiian looking guy in t-shirt and board shorts.
My thinking was it was going to be a nothing and figured police had something better to do. If I knew where the closest police station was, I would have driven there to drop him off. But I did not, so dropped him off at Zippy’s.
No harm. Only small kine foul with him stowing away and surprising me.
WHEN YOU GET TO YOUR VEHICLE, LOOK INSIDE BEFORE YOU GET IN. And if you have an open truck bed, look in there too.
My scary thought was if he or someone else stayed down, I could have take him home.
Had comfort food after. Plus I still had a $10 coupon to use before Akasaka moves.