My girls are Into the Woods fans. So if you are too, you may get the title.
Wendi has been trying to eat less animal protein. Last time I went io
Costco with her, I bought a bunch of beans. And have been periodically making bean dishes.
Last night, I made black beans in coconut curry (self made curry, of course).
Wendi is so cute. She said eating that dish made her feel rich.

This morning made omelette with the leftover coconut curry beans. Pretty good too.

And Mulan has been pining regularly for spaghetti with clam sauce. She asks for it at least weekly. And I make it fairly often. But she is picky. She doesn’t like fresh clams like the rest of us. So for her to eat it, I have to use chopped clams and baby clams. She said it is her new favorite dinner. Maybe even more than steak!