I am so thankful that you all share the bounty of your green thumbs! Sadly, I do not have a green thumb. Thankfully, Wendi does.
So Ardi, thank you for the limes. And Lulu and Danny, thank you for the kalamansi and kaffir lime leaves.
With that, I made dinner. Chicken tikka masala.
First, make the "curry."

Then, cut the veggies.

Clean and cut the chicken. Then lomi lomi with the curry.

Sauté garlic.

Add veggies.

Brown the chicken and mix with veggies.

Add tomato sauce.

And since wifee wanted non-dairy this time, I added coconut milk instead of cream.

Stir and simmer. Then taste and adjust.

Dinnner from scratch in under an hour. Not bad. It was so good!