Chris Pa, Leeward YMCA
At the Leeward Tai Chi Ohana’s 12th Anniversary party, Chris gave a speech that was so wonderful that I had to ask if he would be willing to share it. I wished that I had video’d him giving it. The content was really good and his delivery really made it!
Chris was gracious enough to share it with me and allow me to post it and share it with you. Mahalo Chris.
While I cannot do the delivery, here is the content (try not to cry):
Someone asked the richest man in the world, Gill Gates, "Is there anyone richer than you in the world?"
Bill Gates replied, "Yes, there is a person who is richer than me."
Then he narrated a story.
"It was during the time when I wasn’t rich or famous.
I was at the New York Airport when I saw a newspaper vendor.
I wanted to buy one newspaper but found that I didn’t have enough change. So I left the idea of buying and returned it to the vendor.
I told him of not having enough change. The vendor said, ‘I am giving you this for free.’ On his insistence, I took the newspaper.
Coincidentally, after two or three months, I landed at the same airport and again I was short of change for a newspaper. The vendor offered me the newspaper again. I refused and said that I can’t take it for I don’t have change today too. He said, ‘You the it, I am sharing this from my profit. I won’t be at a loss.’
I took the newspaper.
After 19 years, I became famous and known by people. Suddenly, I remembered the vendor. I began searching for him and after 1 1/2 months of searching, I found him.
I asked him, ‘Do you know me?’ He said, ‘Yes, you are Bill Gates.’
I asked him again, ‘Do you remember once you gave me a newspaper for free?’
The vendor said, ‘Yes, I remember. I gave you twice.’
I said, ‘I want to repay the help you had offered method time. Whatever you want in life, tell me, I shall fulfill it.’
The vendor said, ’Sir, don’t you thank that by doing so you won’t be able to match my help?’
I asked, ‘Why?’
He said, ‘I had helped you when I was a poor newspaper vendor and you are trying to help me now, when you are the richest man in the world. How can your help match mine?’
That day, I realized that the newspaper vendor is richer than I am, because he didn’t wait to become rich to help someone.’
People need to understand the the truly rich are those who possess a rich heart rather than lots of money.
It’s really important to have a rich HE❤️RT!"
Chris: "I share this story with you today because just like the newspaper vendor, the Leeward Y isn’t the richest branch financially in the association. In matter of fact, the median household income in our community is the second lowest in the association after Kalihi branch. However, the amazing thing is, you would never know it because members and volunteers like you, give back and pour into each other and the Y selflessly. We see seniors everyday who barely have enough to eat for themselves, bringing food and snacks for other members and even staff. During campaign time, even our members and families that are being financially assisted through the Y try and give back something - whether it’s a small donation or donating their time or talent to help us with the campaign. All these little acts of kindness is truly what makes the Leeward Y different from other branches. We may not be the richest branch financially, but I don;’t think you would disagree with me when I say, we are truly the branch with the richest hearts. Thank you for all you do for us and each other."
Kelvin’s note: I have been a part of the Leeward Y from just about the beginning. And I consider two branches to be my "home" branches. Leeward and Kailua. I have found what Chris says to be absolutely true for both branches. Both are Ohana to me. Thanks again, Chris. Your delivery was even better than the content.