1. Hold Up Heaven
2. Pull Bow Shoot Arrow
3. Parting Heaven and Earth
4. Look Behind You (Like an Owl)
5. Shake the Head and Swing the Tail (Like a Bear)
6. Press the Earth, Touch the Sky
7. Punching With an Angry Gaze
8. Lifting (Ankles up on the Balls of your Feet)

My teacher called this the "Eight Pieces of Treasure."
And we add variations to it in class.
Since I was told the animated gif is either not loading or taking a long time to load, I took it out and put a static one in. Also added a couple of videos. Here is Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming performing Baduanjin. Dr. Yang is one of the top living tai chi chuan masters in the world. That is probably not just my opinion. Not only is his form awesome, he is an expert in how to use it. His depth of knowledge is incredible.