Who knew? Seems to be much desired.
For those whose knives I have sharpened, I hope you are satisfied and are now safely using a safer sharp blade (or scissors).
I guess I will make it a more regular thing. Also, it is much easier and faster to sharpen a slightly dulled blade versus a butter knife. So bring them to me before they get that dull. I thank you and you will thank me.
At home, I will sometimes use the Japanese water stones method. But at class, it will be a file, a steel and a ceramic rod. The file is for the butter knife edges. Like tai chi, the first step is to get the basic shape. Same with your blades' edge. Once filed and an actual edge is on, the steel will clean up the rough edges. Like practice. And then the ceramic will sharpen and hone to a good edge.
Remember when I tell you 10,000 repetitions? Sharpening takes reps too,
Today was the first time I sharpened with music. And the fast beat actually helped me to get your knives sharp faster. Just hope no one videoed what I was told was my knife sharpening "dance."
So bring what you want sharpened, I will bring my sharpening stuff again next week... by popular demand.