Pam Tong is a member of the Windward and Tuesday Sword Tai Chi Ohanas.
My first impression of her was of a wood elf leaning down to greet me, with herwelcoming smile and appraising gaze. Gold wire earrings swung gently beside her timeless, Jamie Lee Curtis-like face.
The oldest of three, beach-loving, local girl Pam decided to pursue a non-traditional, independent life when she was only twelve. Shortly after graduating from Punahou School, she took off for the mainland and made Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and upstate New York her homes.
Inspired by her self-starter stockbroker father Joseph Ahuna, Pam’s various businesses used creative problem-solving to improve client spaces and situations. They include interior painting and wallpapering, private promotional and marketing, and private homeschool programs for dysfunctional teens. Currently, she is a Feng Shui Home Organizer for better living, specializing in de-cluttering, downsizing, and organizing to transform and move energy. "Unlike other organizers, my sensitivity to energy allows me to upgrad the energy in a space to positively affect my clients’ overall health," she added.
Pam uses the phrase "Peace Technology" to refer to the ways people feel and use energy to create peace in their environment, within themselves, and around the world. She shares, "I’ve always been sensitive to the energy of people and places." Such sensitivity caused occasional difficulties when she was young, but is more accepted now.
Her own gentle but purposeful energy is like a stream a few days after a big rain.There may be a lot going on around her, but she takes her time and adapts as needed. To help maintain an even keel, Pam avoids tv and the news.
"We’re all connected." By practicing tai chi and other meditative practices, Pam continues to create positive growth energy and contribute to peace and harmony.
If you would like Pam to clear and revitalize your home’s space and energy, her company is Absolutely Creative Organizing.
Thank you, Pam, for sharing your time and being the first Tai Chi Ohana Interviewee!
By Wendi Lau
Kelvin's note: if you didn't notice, this was written by my wife, Wendi. She had suggested to me that she wanted to interview as many students from as many different classes as possible. Her intent is to write something about each person as a way to introduce students to each other from across different classes.
The way she goes about it is to schedule an interview and request a picture(s). She takes lots of notes and is a good writer. Once she has a draft completed, she will send it to the interviewee to review, edit if necessary and approve. Once approved, she finishes it up and sends it to me to post on our tai chi website.
Thank you Pam for being the first victim, er, I mean interviewee. I learned a lot about you that I never knew. I guess that is Wendi's purpose.
If, no, when you are ready to be interviewed, please let me know and I will tell Wendi and have her contact you.
Thank you to Wendi for suggesting and doing this.