Member of Tai Chi in the Park
Peggy’s last name matches her outlook and personality. Adventurous and sunny, she’s always looking for ways to explore life and enhance her children’s homeschool experience. Visiting from Annville, Pennsylvania, (near Hershey) Peggy and her family are here until the middle of January 2020. Her husband Scott Walck is writing a computer programming and physics book during his sabbatical from Lebanon Valley College. Kelvin first met them at our homeschool park day and invited them to join Tai Chi in the Park.
Similar to Johnny Appleseed, Peggy planted musical seeds in the hearts and minds of junior high school students during her teaching journey through New York, New Jersey, and Maryland. Becoming a full-time mom allowed her to cherish the melody of childhood, while homeschooling revitalized the kids’ joy of learning. She currently shares her love of singing by hosting informal singing parties (to which all are welcome!)
Peggy and Scott’s oldest son is studying English with a concentration in acting at Lebanon Valley College, where he will soon performs "Godspell." Their 9 year- old daughter and 11 year- old son continue to explore and discover their passions, including dancing, playing violin, playing chess and drawing.
The family is interested in martial arts. Scott has practiced taekwondo but this is everyone else's first experience and all really enjoy what they are learning from Kelvin. Tai chi’s breathwork and peaceful energy are a natural fit for them.
By Wendi Lau