Like a magician’s colorful silk handkerchiefs, Leeward YMCA tai chi instructor Ron Ishimaru has endless skills and interests.
· Performing magician for more than 30 years
· Mentor and advisor to young magicians
· Speaker and educator using magic to inspire reading and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields
· Chinese healing arts practitioner
· English as a second language instructor using magic
· Student of classical Japanese dance (like kabuki theater)
· Retired Program Manager in telecommunications
· Electronic engineer
· Holder of a master’s degree in education
Ron has much hidden up his sleeve, but not his love of teaching and guiding people. "I’m a shepherd," he humbly admits. In the past, his speaking and magic presentations inspired and encouraged participants of Ellison Onizuka Astronaut Day, the Read to Me International Conference, Discover Magic Program in Honolulu, the `Imiloa Astronomy Center in Hilo, and the Fellowship of Christian Magicians Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.
Another way to look at Ron’s magical journey is through a lifetime of studying and harnessing the energy and frequency of our world. From applying electronic engineering and understanding telecommunications to healing with Chinese energetic principles, Ron observed that energy is all around us.
Adding tai chi to his toolkit six years ago just made sense. He likes the way tai chi moves energy and attention around in the body and became a certified tai chi instructor to encourage others. "People are more comfortable learning about energy through tai chi," he said. He helps with two tai chi classes at Leeward YMCA on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Ron originally studied Yang style tai chi and Yang style for health. Learning tai chi fan from Alvin Loo helps with his stage presence during magic performances.
To help identify this living magic maker at the YMCA, look at his shoes. Ron always wears Vibram Five Fingers toe shoes, even onstage in formal wear. He wants to feel the ground, and be grounded, wherever he goes. What a magician!

Cover of The Society of American Magicians magazine, July 2018 issue