My students are sneaky buggahs. My wonderful, generous sneaky buggahs.
They really pulled one over on me today.
First of all, Al came today. I thought nothing of it except I was happy to see him. Had not seen him in class in a few years.
When we took a water break, Lee was asking me for directions to some street. I told her I did not know where it was and to look it up on gps.
When I went to grab a snack (and we had great snacks), I saw Toni look like she was going to give Al the bowl that Tommy made for him. So I excitedly busted out my phone to take pictures. I really wanted to see Tommy’s work.
So Al makes me wait. Bowl is in the bag. And he says that he has to tell the story first. So here’s his story...
Three or four years ago, when he last came to class, she showed us a wooden sword that he made. It was gorgeous.
At the same time, he brought a piece of kou wood to Toni to give to her husband Tommy. Tommy is a woodworker too.
According to Toni, he aged and seasoned the wood all this time. Partly because he wanted to improve his skills before working it. He finally finished and made a bowl out of the kou to give to Al. So nice! On all their parts.
Then Al said that 3-4 years ago, he gave Tommy a piece of wood and that he did not want to take a piece of wood back. And he wanted to give me the bowl. I told him I could not take it. Tommy made it for him.
Come to find out that they were all in on it. He had even bought a beautiful card that they signed. And those that did not sign it prior, signed it at class. That is where Lee’s subterfuge came in. She was not asking for directions. She was misdirection.
I am so grateful to all my students. They are so fantastic. I truly do love them all.

Thank you everyone, especially Al, Toni & Tommy. The bowl has a new home in my office. It sits on a top shelf next to a wedding picture and my wedding rings. The shelf is above my large knives shelf.

Funny. They are thanking me. I thank YOU!
Tommy’s work can be purchased at the Nohea Gallery.