I am ever thankful for all the sharing that goes on in tai chi.
Last night, I made a favorite of the girls. They love spaghetti, especially with clam sauce. Tonight’s was chicken in tomato sauce. I should call it spaghetti a la L. I used the herbs from Loretta. Whatever wasn’t originally used fresh or planted was air dried. So when I make spaghetti, I just pull some off and crumble it in. And I used the pesto basil from Lulu.
But the Filipino flair comes from marungay, also from Lulu. Why? It is very nutritious. And I like to experiment with food. It came out great! The girls really liked it too.
So I sautéed garlic in olive oil and some butter. Added onion and the herbs. Added chicken breast meat that I shredded up. Added lemon juice, since I was out of kalamansi. And tomato sauce. Seasoned with some sea salt. Pepper to taste after. Then I stirred in the al dente spaghetti and good to go. I only had a small portion before ran the dog.