I took Nori through Mari’s Garden as part of our morning walk. Did not run today. Saving my knees for our mountain apple hunt hike tomorrow.
My intent was to take some pictures to share. Thanks Nancy for the suggestion.
After getting back, I felt like noodles. Rice noodles with some spam and marungay. Thank you Lulu & Danny!

As we were figuring out our afternoon, I was getting hungry, so made fried rice. Tried something different. Teriburger fried rice with garlic and shallots, egg and marungay. Guess who wanted some.

Continuing the theme of garlic, shallots and marungay, I made a vegetarian dish. There were two reasons for this. Wendi has been on a three day stint where she was avoiding coffee, animal proteins, sugar, dairy and wheat. And in doing so, she lost EIGHT pounds in THREE days!
And Lulu & Danny also shared eggplants at Fri-Chi. Thanks you guys!
So, sautéed garlic and shallots in coconut oil and butter. Smelled so good.

Added peeled and diced eggplants and marungay.

Added the homemade "curry."

Then black beans. Other seasoning was alae salt and sea salt and lemon juice. Simmered and ate it with brown rice.

Being a vegetarian dish, I had two servings to make sure I am Not hungry before I go to sleep. Should be ok as dinner was late. Finished around 9ish.