Puppy tales...
Tai chi stepping...
Last night, puppy was upstairs lounging on the carpet in the dark. When I went upstairs, I almost squished her. As I was stepping down, I felt her snout and pulled back to both our surprise. No harm done, I felt her before my weight went down. Phew that was close.
Kung Fung tip...
Then this morning, I heard the monkey say she was taking the dog when they left. So as I am bringing my coffee cup to the kitchen, I spy wifee’s phone on the counter. Since I see them about to drive off and see no puppy in the house, I throw the door open and run out to get their attention and give her the phone. Wife said, "The dog." I see no dog in the car. Oh no! I look toward the door and there she is. Outside. She always waits until she makes eye contact with me. Then she bolts. As she is sprinting down the driveway, I reach down and snag her. Phew, that was close. Actually, it was lucky she had her sweater on. That gave me a grip on her. Wife said, "That was easy." More close than easy. Kung fu grip sounded better than sweater grip.
Lucky dog was safe both times.