Leeward YMCA Tai Chi Ohana
Did you know Wayne Oshiro, quiet, Leeward YMCA tai chi student, and his wife Corazon burn up the floor as ballroom dancers? His favorites are waltz, foxtrot, and quickstep, while Corazon likes Latin dances best. They dance at Dance Appeal Studios and Ala Wai Palladium with other members of 808 Dance Magic and HBDA Kapolei (Hawaii Ballroom Dance Association).
Ah, that’s why he has such good posture and is so sure-footed. Add disciplined and sweet. Sometimes Wayne joins his wife for an early morning dance session before work. She likes to practice and dancing eases her back pain for the rest of the day.
After breakfast, he drives her to work and then goes to tai chi class twice a week. Then he goes back to her office to help with administrative tasks. Corazon and their daughter, Noelani Coreen, are doctors who work together.
"I like tai chi because it helps the dancing part too," Wayne said.
He joined the Leeward YMCA in 2006, shortly after retiring from his job as a state financial examiner of banks, savings and loans, and credit unions. During a month-long cruise a Canadian tai chi instructor taught him 24 Form (Yang Style). The Leeward Tai Chi Ohana practices Sun Style 41.
Wayne likes learning different, new things in the weapons and tai chi sword class.
Keeping his brain and body learning and moving keep Wayne splashing in the Fountain of Youth.