This was taught to us by a friend who teaches about Hawaiian plants and uses, including medicinal. The girls named it witch’s brew because they hate it. I think it tastes ok. I eat all the stuff in it.
It works very well for cold and flu. Thought I would share since cold and flu season coming.
Dry Ingredients:
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Oregano
- Rosemary
- Hawaiian chili peppers
Wet Ingredients:
- Lemon juice
- Apple cider vinegar with the mother
Combine dry ingredients in a small mason jar. Do it to taste. We usually fill the jar.
Then add the wet ingredients until almost full. Add them half and half. (Do NOT add half & half. But equal amounts of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar.)

Here’s the sucky part. Cover and shake for 30 minutes. My theory is the shaking action increases your core body temperature which helps to kill some of the bugs. I talked to a doctor and scientist about this before and he thought my theory was plausible and had merit. The ingredients also can raise you body temperature.
Drink an ounce or two every three hours. It tastes better, to me, if ice is added. Better yet, ice and sparkling water. If you drink, you can add vodka. I bet it would make a mean dirty martini. After you drain the liquid, you can add the liquids again to the leftover dry ingredients. But gotta shake again for 30 minutes. After shaking, you will see the the liquid will have changed. Can probably "recharge" with liquids once or twice before making a new batch. We are usually better before having to make another batch.

We try to take something every hour. So on one off hour, we might take kamut ( On another off hour, we might take sun chlorella ( And we might take spirullina (
Natural cures are not drugs. They are basically food. The Chinese and Hawaiians share a philosophy that food is medicine and medicine is food. To increase the efficacy, the secret ingredient is intention. Like chanting a prayer over making something for someone. Intention with both heart and mind is truly powerful!
In addition to the witch’s brew, I will give a sick person who is coughing and warm drink periodically and especially before bed. Lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and honey mixed with hot water. Works great.
My intention is no one gets sick. But in case someone does, here is an option that has worked for us.