Performed by Chen Sitan, "The Prince of Tai Chi"
I chose his video to show you because he does his close to how we do ours.
1. Commencing Form
2. Parting the Wild Horse's Mane L,R,L
3. White Crane Spreads Its Wings
4. Brush Knee Twist Step L,R,L
5. Playing the Lute
6. Repulse Monkey L,R,L,R
7. Grasping the Bird's Tail L
1. Ward Off (Peng)
2. Roll Back (Lǚ)
3. Press (Jǐ)
4. Push (Àn)
8. Grasping the Bird’s Tail R
1. Ward Off (Peng)
2. Roll Back (Lǚ)
3. Press (Jǐ)
4. Push (Àn)
10. Cloud Hands
12. Pat the High Horse
13. Heel Kick R
14. Boxing the Ears
15. Heel Kick L
16. Lower Body and Stand on One Leg L
1. Single Whip
2. Snake Creeps Down,
3. Golden Cock Stands on One Leg
17. Lower Body and Stand on One Leg R
1. Single Whip
2. Snake Creeps Down,
3. Golden Cock Stands on One Leg
18. Fair Lady Works with Shuttles R,L
19. Needle at Sea Bottom
20. Fan Through Back
21. Deflect, Parry, and Punch
22. Withdraw and Push
23. Cross Hands
24. Closing Form