Golden Sword Tai Chi

My friend, Mark, joined us for lunch and tai chi. And I learned two things. One, spam is from Minnesota. As is Mark. The second thing I learned, is how to NOT use chopsticks. 🙄
Glad Wendi took the video after hearing the rumbling. What a mini flash flood looks like.
The girls had such a good time. It was Mulan’s first time and Zhen’s second. Founder and head instructor, Olympian Sensei Taylor along with Sensei Chris and Sensei Joel made not only the girls feel at home, but Wendi and me too. ...
First of all, big thank you Lulu & Danny for sharing their marungay. And this post is for Roberta, who asked what to do with marungay. I say, "Use your imagination." Here are some things that I made. Tossed it into noodles Egg...
Aloha everyone, here’s what happened to me last night. I was in Chinatown around 8pm. Parked for 15-20 minutes max. Got back to my truck, called the wife and drove off. After I got off the phone, I see and elbow sticking out o...
Freedom is not free. But the shrimp was. Mahalo Craig! Our Fourth of July lunch.
With jiu-jitsu training
Nito, thank you for sharing the information about Jimmie’s service. In case you can not decipher the note, the service will be held at the Mililani Cemetery (Mauka) on Monday, August 19th. Viewing at 8:30am, service at 9am and the b...
Thanks Phyllis for bringing Akemi and Cal. How they have grown since the last time in 2016.