Golden Sword Tai Chi

Master Yuen has long been one of my favorite Wudang masters. Years ago, I was privileged to correspond with him. I am sure her would not remember as I am just a mere speck in the tai chi universe. But I felt honored that he invited me...
I mean, seriously... 97 freakin percent!!
You may recognize these guys. Occasional visitors to our class. First up was lunch with Steve at Restaurant 604. Then dinner with Charles at Akasaka. So what does food have to do with tai chi? If you have to ...
Lately, I have been craving me some good dim sum and Chinese food. Sadly, our family's favorite, Kirin, is no more. My girls were so spoiled, Kirin's and Popo's were the only Chinese food they will even think about eating. So I would ...
Who knew? Seems to be much desired. For those whose knives I have sharpened, I hope you are satisfied and are now safely using a safer sharp blade (or scissors). I guess I will make it a more regular thing. Also, it is much easier an...
Maybe... someday... one of the videos you guys have taken of me might find their way onto here. Maybe after I get over my acute shyness. Here’s the teaser... clips from the video that Bonnie took.
Brings back fond? memories... Addendum: 2019-04-12 Thanks for finding my old picture, hun.
I will be adding more as we go. But for now...